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A peace treaty with Ukraine is possible according to Kremlin ultimatums - Kremlin spokesman Peskov

Medvedev on negotiations after counteroffensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine: “If there is anyone to talk with”

All Russia's proposals for negotiations are an attempt at appeasement before stabbing us in the back – an adviser to the head of the President's Office

Lavrov said that Russia was satisfied with Ukraine's negotiating position

Zelenskyy to Macron, Scholz and Сo.: Russia doesn't want peace, it wants war

Patrushev says Russia wants to reach agreement with Ukraine as soon as possible

Peskov said that meeting between Putin and Zelenskyy is currently impossible

Lavrov will talk in Turkey about resuming negotiations with Ukraine

Arakhamiia indicates when Ukraine will resume negotiations with Russia

Kremlin claims Kyiv delaying peace talks due to US arms supplies

Putin says Russia is ready to continue negotiations with Ukraine

The Russian delegation says that negotiations with Ukraine “might not be over"

Zelenskyy on negotiations with Russia: Azovstal evacuation the only positive outcome

Medynskyi again complains that Ukraine is blocking the negotiations

Russia will not be among the guarantors of Ukraine's security - Zelenskyy

Zelenskyy reveals what the agenda - and whether there will be a meeting with Putin at all - depends on

Ukraine to Russia: do not offer us a ceasefire

The chief negotiator of the Russian Federation warns that Poland wants to “bite off” Ukrainian territory

Adviser to the Head of the Presidential Office, Podoliak: Negotiations impossible today, Russia still does not understand consequences of this war

The Kremlin has stated that Kyiv doesn’t want to continue negotiations

Podoliak: Negotiations are paused for several reasons

Russia says Ukraine has not responded to proposals and there have been no negotiations

Possibility of talks between Zelenskyy and Putin came to a halt after Johnson’s visit - UP sources

From Zelenskyy's "surrender" to Putin's surrender: how the negotiations with Russia are going

Zelenskyy: Lifting of Russian sanctions not up for discussion

Lavrov complains that Ukraine wants Western guarantees first, not Russian

The lifting of sanctions not discussed during the talks with the Russians - Podoliak

Zelenskyy: Very high risk that all talks with Russia can grind to a halt

The Ukrainian Presidential Office says this not the time for a meeting between Zelenskyy and Putin 

Zelenskyy: Ukraine to demand maximum security guarantees from its partners