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Mayor’s office: "250 residents of Izyum evacuated despite intense shelling by occupying forces"

In Ukrainian city Mariupol, 1,300 civilians have been killed

The invaders destroyed a children's hospital in Mariupol with an airstrike

The Russian occupiers dropped several bombs from aircraft at a children's hospital in Mariupol, completely destroying the building.

A new Russian fake: the alleged persecution of Jews in Ukraine

Russia has "regretfully" acknowledged that their conscripts are participating and. surrendering at war with Ukraine

The Russian aggressor destroyed the police building in Kharkiv region: 4 dead, 15 injured

In Kharkiv, artillery shelling by Russian troops destroyed the building of the main National Police department in the Kharkiv region. 4 people died and 15 were injured.

Kolomoisky in Ukraine, Pinchuk has left

At a press conference in Kyiv, captured Russian agents say: In this situation, we are the fascists

At a press conference in Kyiv, captive Russian secret service agents admitted that the Russian army is operating like fascists.

In Chernihiv region the Russian occupying forces are shooting at each other

The aggressor’s losses are much greater than ours – Office of the President

The losses sustained by the Russian aggressors are much greater than those of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but so far no one has given an exact figure, according to Oleksiy Arestovych, an adviser to the Head of the President's Office.

Regrouping, Russian forces still set on the plan to seize Kyiv – the General Staff

On the 14th day of the war in Ukraine, Russia significantly reduced the pace of troop advance, but did not refuse from the offensive and plans to seize Kyiv.

Russian military entered Skadovsk and took computers out of the city council

On 9 March, Russian military forces entered Skadovsk in the Kherson region, locals were not allowed to visit the monument to famous Ukrainian poet, writer and artist Taras Shevchenko, and computers were taken out of the city council.

Quarter of Russian officials are ready to quit the job: they haven’t expected such sanctions – Russian media

The Russian online media Medusa, with reference to its sources, reports that many high-ranking officials and employees of Russian state corporations did not expect such harsh sanctions because of the war in Ukraine and consider quitting their jobs.

Zelenskyy has survived more than a dozen attempts on his life – Podoliak, Advisor to the Head of the President’s Office

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has already survived more than a dozen attempts on his life.

Chernihiv is resisting despite losses: 60 dead and 400 wounded

Two-thirds of Chernihiv was left without heat or hot water, human losses reached 60 dead and 400 wounded, but the city is still alive and working.

Zelenskyy is constantly working, hardly sleeping – OPU

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been on the job around the clock for all 14 days of war.

Zelenskyy addresses the Russian military: You can still save yourselves. Go home

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on the soldiers of the Russian occupier to end the war and return home because the Ukrainian people would stick it out to the end.

Russia is now claiming that it did not intend to overthrow the government of Ukraine

Russian aims did not include overthrowing the current government in Ukraine, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Residents of Horodnia march with Ukrainian flags despite the occupation

Residents of the town of Horodnia in Chernihiv region have marched with Ukrainian flags in spite of the occupation by the Russian army.

The head of Ukrainian MIA comments on the border of Ukraine with Moldova and unrecognised breakaway state of Transdnistria

The situation on the Ukrainian border with Moldova and the unrecognised breakaway state of Transdnistria is more or less stable. The military units stationed there are not large enough to threaten Ukraine's border.

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine: In the last 24 hours, the enemy shelled residential buildings, killing dozens, including children

Kharkiv remains under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in the Izyum region border guards repelled an attack on a checkpoint and captured an infiltrator

Ukrainian troops continue to control the city of Kharkiv, fighting continues in the Izyum region. Ukrainian border guards have repelled an attack by an invading sabotage and reconnaissance group near the town of Andriyivka.

Russians loot, rape and kill: State Emergency Service of Ukraine names Bucha district the most difficult area

"If you fight– you will win": the situation in Ukraine’s regions as of 9 March

Last night, battles were held across the Kyiv region, the Zhytomyr region was bombed, and Russian troops attempted to resume the offensive in the Zaporizhzhya region.

Russia’s loses 317 tanks and 81 helicopters in two weeks of war

Russia’s total military losses since waging war on Ukraine are estimated to comprise over 12,000 personnel, 317 tanks, 49 planes, and 81 helicopters.

Kharkiv region: critical situation in Izyum, Oblenergo and thermal power plant at gunpoint

Russian troops continue to bomb critical infrastructure and civilian housing in the Kharkiv region.

General Staff: Russia may deploy 800 fighters from Transnistria in Ukraine

Ukraine’s Armed Forces destroy Russian military convoy in Kharkiv region

Social media reports show how the 93rd mechanised brigade Kholodny Yar destroyed a convoy of Russian military equipment.

Humanitarian corridor from Sumy will resume its work on 9 March

On 9 March, the humanitarian corridor between Sumy and Poltava will resume its work between 09:00 and 21:00.

Kyiv and Chernihiv defence holds, Russian troops posing as civilians advanced towards Mykolayiv

The Ukrainian military continues defending Kyiv and Chernihiv. In the Chernihiv region, the Russian invaders are hiding military equipment behind apartment blocks. Russian troops disguised in civilian clothes are advancing on Mykolayiv from the Kherson region.