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European Pravda

The European Pravda (EuroPravda, EP) website is the first and by now the only popular news media in Ukraine with a primary focus on EU Affairs, European events, and Ukraine’s European future.
All Publications of this Author

US to announce $400 million aid package for Ukraine – Reuters

Lithuanian customs office confiscates first car with Russian number plates

Russia imposes entry ban on Baltic State officials citing "hostile policy"

Former Wagner Group mercenary detained at Chisinau Airport en route to Transnistria

UK Defence Intelligence: Attack on aircraft company indicates that Ukraine can target strategic facilities in Russia

European Parliament to sue European Commission over unfreezing of funds for Hungary

Approval of Ukraine's EU accession negotiation framework faces possible delays

Chancellor Scholz rejects Taurus-Storm Shadow missile swap

US Department of State on Pope's call for "white flag"

I won't fall into Putin's trap – German Defence Minister on leaked Taurus conversation

European Parliament initiates debate on banning import of agricultural products from Russia and Belarus

Russia has lost about 300,000 troops in Ukraine, but time is in Putin's favour – US intelligence

Putin does not want war with NATO and will limit himself to "asymmetric activity" – US intelligence

Draft US budget for 2025 includes US$482 million for aid to Ukraine

EU may transfer first proceeds from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine in July – Financial Times

Georgia must release Saakashvili from prison to "normalise relations" with Ukraine – MP

Zelenskyy: French soldiers "will not be dying in Ukraine"

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry summons Vatican representative over Pope's "white flag" remarks
