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"We do not intend to be martyrs": fighter from Azovstal addressing Ukrainians

Friday, 13 May 2022, 23:42
We do not intend to be martyrs: fighter from Azovstal addressing Ukrainians

Alyona Mazurenko - Friday, 13 May 2022, 23:42

Defender of Ukraine from the Azov Regiment, Davyd Khimik, called on citizens to continue informational work. He has said that Ukrainian fighters are full of courage and are holding the line, but they dream of seeing relatives, starting their own families and eating normally.

Source: Davyd Khimik on Telegram


Quote: "While there was no mobile service, I played over all my life in my head, reminiscing about my childhood, places where I have been, different situations that stuck in my memory. Everything emerged before my eyes like in a movie."

"I often hear guys saying that when they leave, they will get married and have children. Probably, these are the main plans of all those who have not yet had time to do this."

"Guys who already have wives and children cry and smile simultaneously when they get a chance to see a video with their children."

"It is interesting to watch, these are feelings that are impossible to convey - you feel the flow of life. I've always been a person sitting in the corner and watching everyone from the sidelines."

"We are still full of courage and hold the line, we hold theline of defence for the whole country."

"The enemy is trying to seize Azovstal every day, -  bombing with aircraft, artillery (with everything they’ve got), but even in the most terrible conditions we fight back and they, like cowardly dogs, flee from their positions."

"We do not intend to be martyrs,  we are fighting for our lives as well, and we are waiting for support."

Details: Davyd Khimik also thanked Ukrainians who are trying to help the defenders with information: "Keep on doing what you do. Support us with information. Shout to everyone about us. You are great."

Quote: "I want my friends to see their children again and smell the scent of  their wives."

"And I just want the usual - a sandwich with a big piece of boiled sausage and ryazhenka with dried apricots by ‘Prostokvashino.’ Everything will be fine, we will definitely get back."

Read more: Face of "Azov. Steel". Stories about the defenders of Mariupol


  •  The Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine states that negotiations are underway, with Turkey, the UN and the ICRC serving as mediators, on the evacuation of military personnel from Azovstal. Critically injured personnel will be evacuated on a first priority basis.
  • Ukraine wants a document to be signed elaborating how exactly the evacuation from Azovstal will be handled. Preparations for signing such a document are underway.
  • The Ukrainian team is currently negotiating with regard to only 38 seriously wounded (incapacitated) fighters. If it succeeds in exchanging these 38, ‘we will take the next step."
  • Russian aggressors have ruled out the possibility of extracting Ukrainian servicemen from Mariupol by sea to a neutral state. They have also said that they now have free rein, since all civilians have left the territory of Mariupol’s Azovstal plant.
  • Turkey made an offer to Russia that it would relocate Ukrainian troops from Mariupol and guarantee that they would not return to the frontline again until the end of the war, but would remain in Turkey.
  • On 11 May, the Deputy Prime Minister announced that the Ukrainian side had offered to exchange the severely wounded Ukrainian servicemen who remained at Azovstal for captured Russian servicemen.
  • Vereshchuk also explained that, as of now, it is impossible to lift the blockade of Azovstal by military means.
