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US imposes sanctions due to North Korea's supply of ballistic missiles to Russia

Friday, 12 January 2024, 11:39
US imposes sanctions due to North Korea's supply of ballistic missiles to Russia
USA flag. Stock photo: Getty Images

The US Department of State has imposed sanctions on three Russian-based organisations and one individual involved in the transfer and testing of North Korean-made ballistic missiles for use by Russia against Ukraine.

Source: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a press statement

Details: Antony Blinken said that the United States continues to closely monitor any support provided by Russia to the DPRK in exchange for these ballistic weapons and will use all available tools to identify and expose individuals and entities involved in the transfer of weapons between the DPRK and Russia.


Quote: "The DPRK’s transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia supports Russia’s war of aggression, increases the suffering of the Ukrainian people, and undermines the global nonproliferation regime. [...] We will not hesitate to take further actions."

Background: Earlier, Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin said that a preliminary examination confirmed that Russia had used missiles from North Korea during one of the latest attacks on Ukraine.

Prior to that, the United States and nearly 50 countries condemned North Korea's transfer of weapons to Russia, in particular the fact that North Korean missiles struck Ukraine earlier this year.


At the same time, the White House said that during the recent attacks on Ukraine, Russia had again launched several ballistic missiles received from North Korea.

Last week, John Kirby, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the White House, said that the United States had evidence that Russia had received ballistic missiles from North Korea and launched them at Ukraine.

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