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Poles block 6th border crossing point with Ukraine for 1 hour in ongoing protest

Tuesday, 13 February 2024, 15:02
Poles block 6th border crossing point with Ukraine for 1 hour in ongoing protest
Scanner for lorries at the Krakovets checkpoint. Stock photo: Wikipedia

Polish farmers have started blocking lorry traffic near the Korczowa-Krakovets border crossing point.

Source: Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, in an interview with Ukrainska Pravda

Quote: "At around 14:00 on 13 February, Polish farmers initiated a protest near the Korczowa border crossing point, opposite the Ukrainian point Krakovets.


Ukrainian border guards received information from their Polish counterparts that the protesters intend to block the movement of lorries heading into Ukraine for one hour. 

The blockade will not affect passenger transport."

Updated: An hour later the blockade was lifted. Demchenko added that as of 15:00 the traffic through the border is back to normal.

Due to protest actions by Polish farmers, the movement is restricted through five border crossing points on the Ukrainian-Polish border.

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