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Russians strike apartment building in Velykyi Burluk: two residents dead, four people rescued from under rubble – photo

Wednesday, 14 February 2024, 20:11
Russians strike apartment building in Velykyi Burluk: two residents dead, four people rescued from under rubble – photo
Photo: Kharkiv Oblast Police

At 16:16, Russian troops struck an apartment building in the village of Velykyi Burluk in Kharkiv Oblast. Five people are known to be injured, two men have been killed, and four people have been rescued from under the rubble.

Source: Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram; Kharkiv Oblast Police 

Quote: "At 16:16 today, the enemy launched a missile attack on Velykyi Burluk. Probably an S-300. It struck a two-storey apartment building and another one next to it.


Seven local civilians have been injured. One person received medical care and was taken to hospital. Rescue workers pulled two people out from under the rubble, provided first aid, and hospitalised them."


Details: There are people trapped under the rubble. State Emergency Service units are providing all necessary assistance.


Update: The Kharkiv Oblast police said two people have been killed; their identities are being established by the police. Among the casualties are three men and a woman.

Four people may still be under the debris. The police are helping emergency workers to clear away the debris. 

At 19:51 Syniehubov reported that two men who had been under the rubble were dead. The body of one of them has been retrieved.

As of now five casualties are being reported, three men and two women. Four people have been rescued from under the rubble.

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