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Shahed drone strike on Kharkiv: cars ablaze – photo

Saturday, 2 March 2024, 00:09
Shahed drone strike on Kharkiv: cars ablaze – photo
Aftermath of Russian attack on Kharkiv. Photo: Suspilne Kharkiv

Explosions were heard in Kharkiv on the night of 1-2 March. Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov reported a strike, and eyewitnesses said there was a fire in the city centre.

Source: Ukrainian public broadcaster Suspilne; Ukrainian Air Force; Terekhov on Telegram

Details: An air-raid warning has been in place for over an hour in Kharkiv, Poltava and Sumy oblasts. At 23:53, the Air Force reported a group of Shahed drones approaching Kharkiv from the north.

Фото: Суспільне Харків
Photo: Suspilne Kharkiv

Updated at 00:17: Terekhov confirmed that Russian drones are attempting to attack the city.

Фото: Суспільне Харків
Photo: Suspilne Kharkiv

The mayor said there had been strikes on one of the city's districts. Information on casualties and damage is being established.

Фото: Суспільне Харків
Photo: Suspilne Kharkiv

There is a fire at the site of a strike, and windows in the surrounding buildings have shattered.

Фото: Суспільне Харків
Photo: Suspilne Kharkiv

Oleh Syniehubov, Head of the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, added that two cars were ablaze. Emergency service workers are checking nearby buildings for casualties.

At 00:34, Syniehubov said that there were no casualties so far. Windows have been smashed in several high-rise buildings, two cars were burnt out, and garages have been damaged. Work on dealing with the aftermath is ongoing.

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