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Russian forces attack Kharkiv, hitting industrial zone

Saturday, 23 March 2024, 22:56
Russian forces attack Kharkiv, hitting industrial zone
Aftermath of the attack on Kharkiv on 23 March. Photo: The Prosecutor's Office

On Saturday evening, Russian troops attacked Kharkiv, hitting an industrial area in the Slobidskyi District.

Source: Ihor Terekhov, Kharkiv Mayor, on Telegram; Prosecutor General's Office; Suspilne, Ukraine's public broadcaster

Aftermath of the attack on Kharkiv on 23 March.
 Photo: Kharkiv Oblast Prosecutor's Office

Quote from Terekhov: "The city is again under enemy attack. Be careful!"


Details: Suspilne reports that an explosion was heard in Kharkiv. Subsequently, an air-raid warning was declared in the city and region.

Media outlets report that the explosion was also heard in Mykolaiv.

Update: Later, Terekhov reported strikes in the industrial zone of one of the districts of Kharkiv.

"Fortunately, there were no casualties. A non-residential building was damaged," he posted.

Aftermath of the attack on Kharkiv on 23 March.
 Photo: Kharkiv Oblast Prosecutor's Office

Later, the Office of the Prosecutor General reported that at around 17:45 (Kyiv time), the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on the Slobidskyi district of Kharkiv. Storage pints and company buildings were damaged.

According to preliminary data, a Kh-35 missile was used on the attack.

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