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Russians strike Kurakhove, injuring 16 people and damaging 15 apartment buildings – photo

Sunday, 3 March 2024, 16:51
Russians strike Kurakhove, injuring 16 people and damaging 15 apartment buildings – photo
Photo: Vadym Filashkin, Head of Donetsk Oblast State Administration, on Telegram

Sixteen people have been injured, two of whom are in a critical condition, in a Russian attack on the settlement of Kurakhove in Donetsk Oblast on 3 March which damaged at least 15 residential buildings.

Source: Vadym Filashkin, Head of Donetsk Oblast State Administration, on Telegram

наслідки удару по Кураховому, фото з Telegram Вадима Філашкіна
Photo: Vadym Filashkin on telegram

Quote: "Kurakhove was attacked this afternoon – the enemy hit the very centre of the town, damaging at least 15 residential buildings. Early reports indicate that the Russians used a guided aerial bomb."


Details: As of 16:00, 16 people are known to have been injured. Two of them are in a critical condition.

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