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Red Cross

Red Cross decides not to suspend Russian branch despite links to Kremlin

International Red Cross has turned into advocate for Russia – Ukrainian Human Rights Commissioner

Ukrainian Human Rights Commissioner calls for investigation into activities of Russian Red Cross

Russian Red Cross has pro-Kremlin bias, conducts military fundraising and abuses Ukrainian POWs

23,000 people missing since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine began – Red Cross

No evidence of prisoners on board Il-76: Ukraine wants to investigate, Russia to hide – Human Rights Commissioner

Russia hides information on POWs in Il-76 from Red Cross – Ukraine's intelligence

Russian attack destroys Red Cross warehouse in Kherson – photo

International Red Cross suspends Belarus' membership

Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine investigates stealing of Ukrainian children by Belarusian Red Cross

International Red Cross investigates abduction of children from Ukraine by Belarusian Red Cross

Red Cross of Belarus admits stealing children from Ukraine

Ukrainian Red Cross dissociated itself from ICRC after Zelenskyy's criticism

Ukrainian Foreign Minister on UN's and Red Cross's reaction to the explosion at Kakhovka HPP: We will push them

Kakhovka HPP blowing up: Zelenskyy shocked by reaction of UN and Red Cross

Head of President’s Office describes meeting between Azovstal defender’s wife and head of Red Cross: "No reaction"

Russian strike destroys Ukrainian Red Cross storage point with humanitarian air in Odesa Oblast

Ukraine's ombudsman confirms even greater deterioration of Ukraine's cooperation with Red Cross

International Red Cross mission visits Ukrainian prisoners of war in Russian-controlled Donetsk and Horlivka, Donetsk Oblast

Russia still does not allow Red Cross to visit Ukrainian prisoners – Ukrainian Ombudsman

Ombudsman does not know names and whereabouts of Ukrainian prisoners visited by Red Cross

Red Cross gains access to Ukrainian PoWs

President's Office creates human rights headquarters amid International Red Cross inaction

International Committee of Red Cross fails to fulfil its mandate to full extent – Ukraine's Human Rights Commissioner

Ukrainian Red Cross demands strict measures against Russian Red Cross for fundraising for Russia’s mobilised

Ukraine’s Presidential Office: Red Cross silently tolerates Russia’s abuses

Red Cross did not arrive at demarcation line, where Ukrainian delegation was waiting for it

Zelenskyy: Red Cross is not a "club with privileges" but an organisation with responsibilities

Yermak issues an "ultimatum" to the Red Cross: demands to visit Olenivka

Red Cross denies information about stopping work in Ukraine