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Deadly Russian attack on Kharkiv: Russian deployed Kh-35 missile – photo

Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 20:42
Deadly Russian attack on Kharkiv: Russian deployed Kh-35 missile – photo
Fragments of the missile found at the site of the attack. Photo: Screenshot from a video by Suspilne

Russian forces deployed a Kh-35 missile in a missile strike on the city of Kharkiv, which claimed the lives of five Ukrainian civilians.

Source: Volodymyr Tymoshko, Kharkiv Oblast Police Chief, on Facebook; Oleksandr Filchakov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Prosecutor’s Office, in a comment for Suspilne

Details: First, Filchakov said that investigators and prosecutors found fragments of a missile at the site of the hit, which dealt a fatal blow to the city. They analysed them and came to the preliminary conclusion that this is a Kh-59 missile.


Updated: However, Tymoshko later clarified the information. He reported that police bomb disposal experts concluded that the attack was carried out with an Kh-35 anti-ship missile.

He also said that the search and rescue operation is still underway and that 10 employees of the firm that the Russian missile hit might still be trapped under the rubble.

Fragments of the missile found at the site of the attack
Photo: Screenshot from a video by Suspilne

Previously: Russian forces carried out a missile strike on the city of Kharkiv on 20 March, killing four civilians and injuring seven.

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