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Poles decide to unblock Krakovets border checkpoint

Saturday, 9 March 2024, 10:27
Poles decide to unblock Krakovets border checkpoint
Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Ukrainian border guards have received information from the Polish authorities that farmers are supposedly planning to temporarily unblock traffic at the Krakovets border checkpoint.

Source: European Pravda, citing Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, on air during the national joint 24/7 newscast

Details: "We were informed that this may last until around 13 March. However, whether this will be adhered to and whether the route towards the Krakovets border checkpoint will indeed be unblocked by 13 March, remains to be seen," he said.


Demchenko added that as of the morning of 9 March, approximately 2,300 lorries are queuing up on all routes where Polish farmers are hindering or almost preventing their passage.

"The most difficult situation is opposite the Yahodyn and Shehyni border checkpoints. In fact, Polish farmers are not allowing lorries heading towards Poland to pass through there at all," stated Demchenko. 

He specified that over the past day, on 8 March, approximately 70 lorries entered Ukraine through Yahodyn and about 20 through Shehyni.

At the same time, Demchenko noted that other categories of vehicles, such as passenger cars and buses, are not being blocked by the Polish farmers. Humanitarian and other essential cargoes continue to arrive at Ukrainian border checkpoints.

Read also European Pravda’s report from the border: Report from the border: how Polish authorities and protesters are blocking trade with Ukraine


  • Polish farmers are continuing to block the movement of lorries at six checkpoints on the border with Ukraine.
  • In February, farmers in Poland started nationwide protests, blocking border checkpoints with Ukraine and disrupting the operation of ports and roads.

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