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Ukrainian reporters demand replacement for military press officer who won't let them work in Kherson Oblast

Tuesday, 16 April 2024, 21:00
Ukrainian reporters demand replacement for military press officer who won't let them work in Kherson Oblast
Photo: Natalia Humeniuk (Facebook)

A number of Ukrainian journalists are demanding that the country's military leadership replace Natalia Humeniuk, the head of the Joint Coordination Press Centre of Operational Command Pivden (South). The reporters say she has banned them from covering Russian war crimes and does not allow them to film the defenders of Kherson Oblast.

Source: a statement by the journalists on the IMI (Institute of Mass Information) website

Details: The statement was sent to Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi, Defence Minister Rustem Umierov, and Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Anatolii Barhylevych.


Quote: "We believe that the person who manages communications for Operational Command Pivden (South) during the war must be able to interact properly and professionally with the media, understand the vital importance of covering events from the contact line and the need to document and draw attention to the crimes of the Russians, and on no account impose unjustified restrictions that impede the work of journalists."

Details: The media professionals are also demanding access to the districts of Kherson and neighbouring territories where key events are taking place, subject to the requirements of Order No. 73 of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

Quote: "These territories have been blocked by Natalia Humeniuk for an unreasonably long time, which has led to irreparable information consequences for Ukraine.


The most appalling case was the ban on entry to flooded towns and villages in Kherson Oblast on the day the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) was blown up – the world’s media was packed with references to the testimony of Russian propaganda media outlets, as there was almost no information from us. 

Later, Humeniuk forbade us to document the suffering of Ukrainians in some villages where water had disappeared due to the HPP being blown up, and forbade us to film the bottom of the reservoir, which had dried up."

Details: The journalists noted that unlike in other areas, in Kherson Oblast there is no access to hospitals and stabilisation centres where injured defenders and civilians are being treated.

Ukrainska Pravda quotes the journalists' demands:

"We demand:

  • that Natalia Humeniuk be replaced with a more competent person and not be involved in any communications management. We are convinced that the person who manages the communications of Operational Command Pivden (South) during the war must be able to properly and professionally interact with the media, understand the vital importance of covering events from the contact line and the need to document and draw attention to the crimes of the Russians, and on no account impose unjustified restrictions that impede the work of journalists.
  • that journalists be allowed access to districts of Kherson and neighbouring territories where key events are taking place, subject to the requirements of Order No. 73 of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. These territories have been unjustifiably blocked by Natalia Humeniuk for a long time, which has led to irreparable information consequences for Ukraine.
  • that a review be conducted of the existing rules of operation of the press centres of Operational Command Pivden and the combined newly created Tavriia Operational Strategic Group of Forces (formerly known as Odesa and Tavriia), as their work may have been affected by the recent appointment of Natalia Humeniuk. It is important to review the existing rules and procedures for the work of the press services of the military formations in order to avoid cases of excessive and unjustified control and restrictions that impede the coverage and documentation of events that are of great importance to Ukraine.
  • Please make every effort to ensure that journalists do not have to write another letter regarding the unacceptability of Hanna Maliar [the former Deputy Defence Minister – ed.] heading any communication agencies of the Defence Forces. Individuals in key communications positions must have the proper skills and reputation to perform their duties as required, especially in times of war."

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