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Germany promises to send Patriot air defence system to Ukraine as soon as possible

Monday, 22 April 2024, 13:26
Germany promises to send Patriot air defence system to Ukraine as soon as possible
Patriot system. Photo: Getty Images

The German government has said that it will send another Patriot air defence system to Ukraine as soon as possible.

Source: Siemtje Möller, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Defence of Germany; Ukrinform news agency 

Details: Ahead of the Council meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers in Luxembourg, Möller stressed that Ukraine needs more protection from Russian missile and drone attacks.


She said that Germany has given Ukraine multiple air defence systems, but the current situation suggests that Ukraine needs more protection and capabilities to repel long-range Russian attacks.

Möller stressed that Germany, which has recently announced it will send another Patriot system to Ukraine – its third already – will make sure the air defence system reaches Ukraine without delay.

She also mentioned the recent joint initiative by Germany’s defence and foreign ministers to find additional air defence equipment for Ukraine by encouraging its allies to reassess their capabilities and identify air defence systems that can be sent to Ukraine.


"Every contribution, every [air defence] system, and every component are important, and we also welcome financial propositions," Möller said.

Möller added that Germany has given Ukraine several thousand artillery shells from its stockpile and will deliver around 500,000 more by the end of the year.


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