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Russians damaged thermal power plant in Donetsk Oblast last night, people left without power

Tuesday, 31 October 2023, 09:06

Russian forces have attacked one of DTEK's thermal power plants in the frontline area of Donetsk Oblast, leaving one of the settlements there without electricity. 

Source: DTEK, the largest private energy company in Ukraine; Ukrainian Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko

Quote from DTEK: "Last night, Russia attacked one of DTEK's thermal power plants in the frontline oblast. The terrorist attack severely damaged the equipment and left the residents of one of the settlements near the plant without electricity and water. Fortunately, there were no casualties."  


Details: Immediately after the attack stopped, DTEK's power engineers started to work actively to deal with the consequences. As of the morning of 31 October, they are making every effort to restore power supply to Ukrainians' homes as soon as possible. 

Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko said that the Russians had bombarded an energy infrastructure facility in Donetsk Oblast with artillery on Monday evening. State Emergency Service units promptly extinguished the fire.

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