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Zelenskyy outlines what a diplomatic end to the war should look like

Friday, 23 February 2024, 11:19
Zelenskyy outlines what a diplomatic end to the war should look like
Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo: President’s Office

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that ending the war via a diplomatic settlement is only possible under the Ukrainian peace formula, which calls for the liberation of all Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia and a return to the country’s 1991 borders.

Source: Zelenskyy in an interview with FoxNews

Quote: "My signal is that we don't want to repeat [the] Minsk Agreement [the Minsk agreements being ultimately unsuccessful treaties seeking to create a ceasefire in the occupied Donbas region] but on another part of our territory. No new frozen conflicts. We don't believe in it and I don't trust him [Putin]."


"As for the negotiation table. When we have prepared a document on the basis of the Peace Formula, on the basis of proposals from other countries, we have this ready-made document. And then, we will be able to search for a diplomatic form and how to talk with representatives of Russia."

Details: Zelenskyy said Ukraine will be in a strong position to negotiate when it engages in diplomacy with Russia.

"In the strong position, we found one very important diplomatic route: it’s a document. When it will be ready, it doesn’t matter where we will stay [what our situation is like at the time - ed.] at this time. What I wanted to say, it does matter.  If we will be strong in all the cases I set, and if we will have the document with most [of the] big countries, important countries, decision-makers in the world on our side, of course we can find political negotiations," Zelenskyy said.


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