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Explosions rock Kharkiv: Russians launch attack drones at the city

Saturday, 4 May 2024, 01:05
Explosions rock Kharkiv: Russians launch attack drones at the city
A firefighter extinguishing a fire. Stock photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine

Explosions were heard during a Russian drone attack in Kharkiv on the night of 3-4 May.

Source: Suspilne, a Ukrainian public broadcaster; Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov on Telegram; Ukraine’s Air Force

Quote from Terekhov: "The city is under enemy attack. Be careful, everyone."


Details: Ukraine’s Air Force reported that another group of Russian drones was flying towards Kharkiv.

Background: At midnight, the Russians launched a group of attack UAVs from Russia’s Belgorod Oblast. The drones were flying southwest. 

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