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Russian forces hit residential building in Novobavarskyi neighbourhood in Kharkiv – Mayor

Strike on Kharkiv infrastructure facility: there are killed person and wounded person in Kharkiv Oblast

Russian forces attack Kharkiv, killing and injuring civilians

Russian army strikes Kharkiv: Oblast Military Administration reports on condition of 14 injured people

Russia attacks Kharkiv downtown: kindergarten on fire, many wounded 

Two districts in Kharkiv attacked overnight

Russians land another attack on Kharkiv, hitting university – Mayor

Residents of Kharkiv report more explosions

Occupiers use MLRS to fire on Kharkiv, 2 people killed

Russian forces launch 5 missiles on Kharkiv on 7 September, 8 civilian casualties in Kharkiv Oblast

Russian missiles strike Kharkiv, fire in one of city's neighbourhoods – Mayor

2 missile strikes on Kharkiv, 1 on Zmiiv: cafe, shops and car wash damaged

Head of Oblast Military Administration shows consequences of morning Russian attack on Kharkiv

Shelling of residential building in Kharkiv: three entrances destroyed, people pulled out from under the rubble

Kharkiv: Russian rockets target residential building, woman’s body found under rubble

Russians shelled two districts of Kharkiv; several wounded

Russian troops attack Kharkiv: missile hits restaurant complex; large fire breaks out

Russian forces hit Kyivskyi neighbourhood in Kharkiv – Mayor

Russian rocket hits area near school in Kharkiv

Russians destroy Lokomotyv sports complex in Kharkiv with S-300 missiles

Russians bombard Kharkiv, causing destruction – Mayor

Russians hits Kharkiv with 3 missiles, the fourth explodes in Russia – Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration

Russian forces hit residential building in Kharkiv, injuring civilians

Russian occupiers in Kharkiv Oblast threaten to take away children whose parents refuse to send them to school

Russians attack Kharkiv again, fire breaks out in apartment block

Russians shell Kharkiv with artillery; there are fatalities

Head of Oblast Military Administration publishes consequences of attack on downtown Kharkiv

Russian forces use cluster munitions to attack Kharkiv

Russian rockets hit Kharkiv centre, destroying an administrative building

Russians hit  enterprise in Kharkiv – mayor