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Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate

Border guards uncover another UOC-MP cleric and hand him over to Security Service

Civilians on premises of Kyiv Monastery of Caves may be there illegally – Culture Minister

Former Ukrainian MP Vadym Novynskyi leads service in Russian Orthodox church in Zurich with portrait of Zelenskyy

Hundreds gather at Russian-linked church in Khmelnytskyi where Ukrainian soldier was beaten

Moscow-linked church metropolitan holds liturgy in Lavra despite court's decision obliging monks to leave monastery

Priest of Moscow-linked church assaults soldier in Khmelnytskyi

Court places Metropolitan Pavlo under house arrest for 2 months

Protests against Moscow-linked church take place near Kyiv's Caves Monastery

Court approves compulsory summons for Metropolitan of Moscow-linked church

New acting abbot of Kyiv's Caves Monastery: the brethren are praying for Zelenskyy, and Metropolitan Pavlo's curses will come back to haunt him

Court hearing postponed due to abbot "not feeling well"

Prosecutor's Office requests round-the-clock house arrest for Metropolitan Pavlo

"Pious people call me from Moscow": Security Service of Ukraine discloses evidence on abbot of Kyiv monastery

Metropolitan Pavlo says in courtroom he has "never supported aggression"

Abbot of Kyiv monastery summoned for interrogation, restrictive measure to be decided

Abbot of Kyiv monastery searched and served with notice of suspicion by Security Service

Ministry of Culture sues Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate for not allowing its commission to enter Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

Ministry of Culture commission again prevented from entering Lavra

Court throws out Russian-linked church lawsuit: Moscow patriarchate must leave Kyiv monastery

Violation of journalists' rights near Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra: police opens case

Ministry of Culture files lawsuit due to obstruction of its commission's work in Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

Car taking away icon from Kyiv monastery is stopped by police

Culture Ministry commission unable to enter first church at Kyiv monastery: it is closed

Ukrainian Union of Journalists contact police over infringements of journalists' rights near Kyiv monastery

Abbot of Kyiv's Caves Monastery threatens journalists with violence, damages reporter's camera

Ministry of Culture commission is refused entry to Kyiv monastery as abbot insists it should not be working there

Russia-linked church does not leave Kyiv Lavra despite demand: service ongoing

"Beware!" Kyiv monastery's abbot threatens Zelenskyy with "divine punishment"

Russian-linked church explains how it may be able to remain in Kyiv's Caves Monastery despite eviction order

Russian-linked church appeals eviction from Kyiv Monastery of the Caves