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Relatives of Azovstal works defenders ask China to intervene

Saturday, 14 May 2022, 13:28
Relatives of Azovstal works defenders ask China to intervene


Relatives of Azovstal defenders called on China to help with the extraction of Ukrainian troops from Mariupol.

Source: relatives of the fighters at a press conference on May 14


The general statement of the relatives of the defenders of Mariupol: "We ask China to intervene and become a peacemaker in this war, to become a lifeline for our fighters from Mariupol, from Azovstal." Time goes by days, minutes, seconds. Our warriors have already been to hell, give them a chance to see the sun."

Details: Relatives of the defenders said "China knows the history of suffering, the price of independence and what the struggle of two worldviews is like", and expressed hope that "China will not stand on the sidelines and will not remain silent."

Relatives are asking China to carry out the extraction and take the defenders of Mariupol, the wounded soldiers and the bodies of dead soldiers to a third country, where they will stay until the end of the war. According to her words, such a country could be Turkey, whose president has agreed to extraction to his country.  


Relatives said that they have already addressed the leaders of all countries, and China is probably the only country to which they have not yet appealed.   

"We ask dear Xi Jinping to do everything to save world values, to save the defenders of Mariupol," the relatives of Azovstal defenders said, summing up.

Details: According to them, the leaders of Ukraine have already addressed an official letter to Xi Jinping.

Know more: Face of "Azov. Steel". Stories about the defenders of Mariupol


  • The Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine has stated that negotiations are underway with the mediation of Turkey, the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross  on the evacuation of the military from the Azovstal steelwords, starting with the seriously wounded. Ukraine wants to sign a document on exactly how the evacuation from Azovstal will take place, and preparations are underway to sign it.
  • Ukraine is currently negotiating to evacuate 60 people from the Azovstal works in Mariupol. Earlier it was reported that negotiations are underway in relation to 38 seriously wounded (incapacitated) fighters.
  • The Russian occupiers have refused to allow the extraction of the defenders of Mariupol by sea to a neutral country. They also said that since all civilians had been taken out of the bunkers, they had now had a "free rein" ."
  • Turkey has offered to remove Ukrainian troops from Mariupol and guarantee that they will not fight again until the end of the war, but would be kept in Turkey.
  • On 11 May, Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk announced that the Ukrainian side had made an offer to the Russians to exchange the severely wounded Ukrainian soldiers who remain at the Azovstal works for captured Russian servicemen.
