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When we get F-16s, we'll win this war – Ukraine's Air Force spokesman

Sunday, 21 May 2023, 00:57
When we get F-16s, we'll win this war – Ukraine's Air Force spokesman

Yurii Ihnat, the spokesman for the Command of the Ukrainian Air Force, has stated that with the arrival of F-16 fighter jets in Ukraine, it will win the war. These fighters can work with ground, air and surface targets, and will also cover the territory of Ukraine where there are no air defence systems.

Source: Ihnat on air at channel

Quote: "I will tell you more, when we have F-16s, we will win this war. If these aircraft come to Ukraine, they will be on combat duty in different regions at our operational airfields.


We have emphasised to our partners the need for F-16s for Ukraine, because we cannot cover the entire territory of Ukraine with the air defence systems that have existed since Soviet times.

We receive supplies of Western air defence systems: NASAMS, IRIS-T, Patriot and now SAMP/T, as well as air defence systems of the ground forces, including Crotale, Gepard and Avenger.

The territory of the country and the length of the state border are large, and the contact line, including Belarus, Transnistria and the Black Sea coast, is more than 2,500 km.

So, unfortunately, it will not be possible to cover the area with air defence systems alone.

That's why we need an F-16, which has fighter cover and is also part of the air defence system. The fighter can work with air targets both from below and above. Where there is no air defence, the F-16s will work."

Details: Ihnat has added that the Soviet-made MiG and Su jets are currently unable to effectively and efficiently work with kamikaze drones, such as Iranian-made Shaheds, as well as cruise missiles.

According to him, the F-16 is designed to become part of air defence system and effectively intercept these types of air targets.

In addition, this fighter will significantly increase the efficiency of the use of HARM missiles, JDAM guided bombs, and so on.

The F-16 will help Ukrainian ground forces quickly liberate Ukrainian territories by striking Russian command posts, military groups, and logistics supply chains.

These fighters are also equipped with anti-ship missiles. The air force spokesman stressed that the F-16 is a multi-purpose aircraft that can engage ground, air and surface targets, as it can be also equipped with Harpoon missiles.


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