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Russians bomb Kozacha Lopan on morning of 19 March

Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 10:48
Russians bomb Kozacha Lopan on morning of 19 March
Aftermath of Russian attacks on Kharkiv Oblast. Stock photo: Telegram of Viacheslav Zadorenko

Russian forces attacked the village of Kozacha Lopan in Kharkiv Oblast with guided aerial bombs, damaging private houses, civilian infrastructure facilities and power transmission lines.

Source: Viacheslav Zadorenko, Head of Derhach District Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote from Zadorenko: "Around 09:00, Russian forces launched two strikes with guided aerial bombs on Kozacha Lopan. Several private houses, civilian infrastructure facilities and power transmission lines were damaged."


More details: Zadorenko said that there was currently no information on casualties; the situation is still being assessed.

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