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Georgia reports plot against oligarch Ivanishvili, linking it to Ukraine

Russia announces readiness to assist Georgian ruling party in maintaining power

Military volunteers who fought on Ukraine's side summoned for questioning in Georgia

Zelenskyy meets with Georgian president on sidelines of Peace Summit in Switzerland – photo

Commander of Georgian Legion in Ukraine claims he was poisoned

Georgian volunteer and Kolos footballer Sergo Gornakashvili killed in action

Stand up for Georgia

Georgian Parliament approves controversial law on "foreign agents" in final reading

Zelenskyy considers EU membership of Georgia and Belarus necessary

Two more Georgian volunteers killed in war in Ukraine – photo

Georgia's Revolution on Granite

Protest in Georgia: opposition leaders beaten in Tbilisi – video

Protest in Georgia: special forces retreat, demonstrators return to Parliament building

Mass protest in Georgia: country's president urges Interior Ministry to stop cracking down on peaceful rally – photo, video

Former Georgian Minister for European Integration arrested during rally in Georgia – video

Fight breaks out at massive protest in Tbilisi against foreign agents law – video

Ukrainian citizen detained on North Ossetian-Georgian border – Russian media

Georgia's ruling party says "foreign agents" bill can be repealed when Georgia is offered EU membership

Protests against law on "foreign agents" continue in Tbilisi – photo

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry outraged by Georgian PM's statement about law on "foreign agents" and Ukraine

Police in Tbilisi make arrests and use tear gas at protest against "foreign agents law" – video

Lawmakers fight in Georgian parliament during consideration of controversial law on "foreign agents" – video

Georgian opposition to introduce bill to guard against Russian influence

Construction of Russian military port in occupied Abkhazia almost complete – video

Georgia must release Saakashvili from prison to "normalise relations" with Ukraine – MP

Georgia demands that Ukraine extradite Saakashvili's aides to "improve bilateral relations"

Georgian candidate PM accuses Ukraine of intending to open "second front" against Russia in Georgia

Georgian authorities intercept cargo of Ukrainian explosives allegedly bound for Voronezh

Russians trying to create naval base in occupied part of Georgia – Defence Intelligence Chief

Georgian President expresses solidarity with Ukraine after Russia's large-scale missile attack