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Russian propaganda claims new case opened against Navalny's brother, opposition refutes this

Russian hackers attack Ukrainian media sources – State Special Communications Service

Ukraine's Security Service sends employees involved in surveillance of Bihus.Іnfo to frontline

Over 100 journalists affected by Russia's full-scale invasion

Spying on Bihus.Info journalists: Prosecutor General's Office announces launch of another investigation

Vandals of journalist Yurii Nikolov's apartment received $1,000 payout

ISW: Russia introduces bill to limit activities of opposition media

Ukraine's Security Service officers reportedly involved in bugging Bihus.Info project's staff were to be rewarded, security service responds

Putin must be defeated, not helped to spread his bloodthirsty lies – Ukrainian Foreign Minister

FSB attempts to terrify Africa with tales of American mosquitoes and biolabs

US National Security Adviser reacts to Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson

Ukraine's Security Service head vows to safeguard freedom of speech to G7 ambassadors following Bihus.Info scandal

Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief approves changes to journalist accreditation during martial law

Prosecutor General's Office takes over Bihus.Info surveillance case in Security Service's stead

Security Service Head condemns surveillance of Bihus.Info journalists

Bihus.Info journalists report ongoing surveillance

Ukraine's Justice Minister comments on bugging of Bihus.Info: Shame on Security Service's "work"

Ukraine's Security Service makes "personnel decisions" after Bihus.Info publishes investigation into surveillance of its journalists

Bihus.Info claims Ukraine's Security Service spied on it – photo

Journalists who filmed protest by mobilised soldiers' wives detained in Moscow – photo, video

German ZDF channel films story from occupied Mariupol: Ukraine's Foreign Ministry demands explanations

German TV channel films story on how Mariupol "functions" under Russian occupation

Zelenskyy dismisses head of Department for Protection of National Statehood of Security Service of Ukraine

Threats to journalist Nikolov: journalist says police released defendants in his case

Bloomberg suggests Putin is willing to negotiate

Skhemy project claims Chinese surveillance cameras in Ukraine transmit information to manufacturer's servers

Zelenskyy on surveillance of journalists: Ukraine's Security Service will investigate

Threats to journalist Nikolov: law enforcement officers identifies intruders – photo

Kyiv police opens criminal investigation into threats to journalist Yurii Nikolov

Outlet that leaked Bihus.Info surveillance video closes YouTube channel and deletes news