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Ukraine has unofficial information where Russia holds abducted journalist Khyliuk

Ukrainian President's Office denies Zelenskyy interview with Tucker Carlson

Journalist Oleksandr Lapshyn found dead a month after going missing

Kazakh opposition journalist Sadykov shot in Kyiv dies in hospital

Russians abduct local journalist in occupied Kakhovka for second time

Russia is successful in promoting its narratives to Western media – Voice of America

Kazakhstan is not to extradite suspect in assassination attempt on opposition journalist in Ukraine

Trial of American journalist Gershkovich accused of espionage begins in Russia

EU has to condemn Russia on behalf of chief diplomat Borrell as Hungary blocks joint statement

Italy condemns Russia's sanctions against European media saying it does not erase consequences of brutal war

EU calls Russia's "sanctions" against European media meaningless

Kazakh opposition journalist remains in deep coma after assassination attempt

Pressure and threats aimed at reported after publication of study on opponents of Ukraine aid in US

Ukraine's Armed Forces Command obliged to coordinate talking points for interviews and blogs with Strategic Communications Department

Former Ukrainian military spokeswoman moved to non-media position

Peace Summit may adopt decision on further "involvement of representatives of Russia"

Released soldier passes on greetings from journalist still in captivity

War correspondent from FREEDOM media outlet killed in Donetsk Oblast

Russia holds 31 Ukrainian journalists in captivity, human rights activists state

​​UP's position on enlistment of Ekonomichna Pravda's editor-in-chief

Editor-in-chief of Ekonomichna Pravda joins ranks of Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russia admits to detaining Ukrainska Pravda freelance writer

Ekonomichna Pravda editor-in-chief detained by enlistment office, his communication devices seized

Zelenskyy imposes sanctions on Russian media and financial firms registered in Ukraine

EU approves ban on 4 more Russian propaganda resources

Threats against Ukrainska Pravda journalists are a crime – Parliamentary Freedom of Speech Committee

Investigation launched regarding threats received by Ukrainska Pravda journalists

Ukrainian parliament grants access to journalists again, but with some conditions

Journalists to be allowed into Ukrainian parliament for the first time since the full-scale invasion

Former Ukrainian journalist killed in action