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General Staff: Big threat of Belarusian attack on Volyn

Sunday, 20 March 2022, 09:30
General Staff: Big threat of Belarusian attack on Volyn


According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, there is a high threat of a Belarusian offensive on the Volyn region in northwestern Ukraine.

Source: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; Ukrainska Pravda sources in intelligence, and among the military and security forces


General Staff quote: "The threat of an offensive from the Republic of Belarus in the Volyn direction is assessed as high."

Details: The General Staff stressed that Ukraine's defence forces are ready to fight back.

According to intelligence, Belarus will enter the war with Ukraine on the side of Russia in the following 1-2 days.


According to sources among the military and security forces, the decision was made by the country's leadership, ignoring resistance from Belarusian residents and military personnel.

A representative of the security forces of Ukraine notes that the Belarusians have never fought anywhere, have no combat experience, and have no clear reasons for a war with Ukraine. 

He believes that "the Belarusian military will become cannon fodder on the territory of Ukraine."

At night, another source (from law enforcement) confirmed this information to Ukrainska Pravda: "This is the situation – we confirm the information. We are preparing a serious rebuff. We will without a doubt win."

The security forces have also appealed to the Belarusian military: "This is not your war. But your children and men will die on our land. Stop while there is still the chance."

Reminder: Earlier, Ukrainian military and civil servants reported that Belarus was preparing to invade Ukraine before 21:00 on 11 March. Despite this, there has been no Belarusian invasion as of yet.


The self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has already drawn Belarus into the Russo-Ukrainian war by providing Russian forces with military facilities in Belarus.

Russian military aircraft use Belarusian airfields to carry out air raids on Ukrainian cities, and Belarusian warehouses, fuel depots, and hospitals are used to meet the rear needs of Russian army units in Ukraine. In addition, a significant portion of Russian missile strikes on Ukrainian cities have been carried out from the territory of Belarus.

On 12 March, Belarus announced that five battalion tactical groups would be sent to the border with Ukraine to replace the military while denying that this was preparation for entering the war on the Russian side, calling it "rotation."

On 17 March, it was reported that helicopter training flights of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Air Force of the Republic of Belarus were taking place over Minsk throughout the evening. The pilots not only practised flying the aircraft, but also underwent combat simulations.

Journalists and activists in Belarus are constantly recording the movement of military equipment, including infantry fighting vehicles and tanks, as well as trucks carrying Iskanders – a mobile short-range ballistic missile system.

On 19 March, it was reported that Russia was moving troops from Vladivostok and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Belarus to make up for the losses in the war in Ukraine.
