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We will get demagoguery instead of explanations: Polish foreign minister on incident involving Russian missile

Monday, 25 March 2024, 13:46
We will get demagoguery instead of explanations: Polish foreign minister on incident involving Russian missile
Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski. Photo: Getty Images

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski has stated that Poland will demand explanations from the Russian ambassador regarding the incident with the Russian missile violating Poland's airspace. However, Sikorski noted that it is unlikely that Russia will give any explanations.

Source: European Pravda, citing the statement of the Polish foreign minister

Details: Answering a question about the summons of the Russian ambassador, Sikorski said: "We will demand explanations, but we will probably get some demagoguery".


"Today, we will be holding discussions at the Prime Minister's Office, I will also speak with the NATO secretary general (Jens Stoltenberg – ed.)," Sikorski added.

When asked about the terrorist attack in Moscow Oblast, Sikorski noted that "we will, of course, express our condolences to the families of the victims; however, we also believe that instead of sowing terror in Ukraine, Russia should deal with terror at home."


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