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"War stops immediately": Former US Secretary of State predicts Trump's "peace plan" for Ukraine

Sociologists ask which of three options for ending war suits Ukrainians most

Swiss foreign minister meets Russian counterpart to discuss Ukrainian Peace Summit

US supports Ukraine's initiative to involve Russia in second Peace Summit, says State Department

Orbán discusses peace with Trump: former president plans to resolve this "issue"

Russia will not participate in second Peace Summit

EU may threaten Orbán with early end of Hungary's presidency in EU Council

Zelenskyy wants to hold second peace summit this year

Putin suggests continuation of Istanbul peace talks with Ukraine

Orbán confirms to pro-Putin journalist that Zelenskyy did not back his "peace plan"

Ukraine won't make territorial concessions to Russia, though it is receptive to advice on peace

Orbán announces first steps to peace during his visit to Kyiv

Zelenskyy: 6 participants sign Peace Summit communiqué in past week – video

Zelenskyy announces two more countries joining Peace Summit decision

Ukrainian Foreign Minister believes in continuing talks with China on ending the war in Ukraine

Russia's participation in second Peace Summit possible under Grain Initiative format – Ukrainian Foreign Minister

Another state signs final communiqué of Global Peace Summit

Communiqué of Peace Summit: Zelenskyy thanks Patriarch Bartholomew and reiterates that document can still be signed

Kremlin doubts efficiency of Peace Summit

Ukraine's Office of the President on next steps after the Peace Summit

Russia's participation in peace process remains key issue – Swiss Federal Council head

Zelenskyy on Peace Summit: Dialogue took place and may have practical consequences

Peace does not entail capitulation, as Putin suggests – Italian PM

Zelenskyy meets with Georgian president on sidelines of Peace Summit in Switzerland – photo

Ukrainian President's Office confirms Russia may be invited to second Peace Summit

Zelenskyy arrives at Peace Summit, meets with Swiss president – photo

Two-day Peace Summit opens in Switzerland

Putin in no position to dictate what Ukraine must do to bring about peace – US Secretary of Defense

US and Ukraine to sign security agreement on 13 June

Peace Summit in Switzerland: media reports reduction in number of participants