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Kherson museum staff identify yet another painting stolen by Russian occupiers

Russian forces attack Kherson Oblast 50 times in past 24 hours

Russian drones attack a hospital in Kherson

Russian forces attack Kherson Oblast 78 times in past 24 hours

Attacks on Kherson Oblast: occupiers launch over 400 shells in a day, killing one person

Prohibition to be lifted for a month in Kherson Oblast

Russian forces hit Kherson, killing 3 people

Russians shell Kherson, killing one man

Russians attack Kherson with tank, then open fire again, four people dead

Explosions ring out in Kherson, Odesa and Mykolaiv following air-raid warnings throughout Ukraine

The battle for Kherson: the defenders that stood firm to the end

Authorities urge Kherson residents to evacuate: Russians hit residential buildings

Ukrainian military kill Russian sabotage and reconnaissance group on boats: 18 invaders dead

Russia planned torture centres in occupied Ukrainian territories

Shelling of Kherson: number of people killed increases to 2

"Like Through the Looking-Glass" – Zelenskyy recalls his visit to liberated Kherson

Russia strikes dormitory in Kherson at nighttime

Russian strike damages Kherson pipeline, leaving 40,000 people without heat

Attack on Kherson: authorities specify number of victims

Russians shelling Kherson: at least 5 people killed

Occupiers attack medical institution in Kherson twice on Tuesday

Russia strikes hospitals in Kherson city and oblast twice in a day

Russians attack Kherson hromada, woman killed in Inhulets

Russian forces hit production base in Kherson, killing one worker

Russians damage railway track in Kherson Oblast, train to Kherson not running

Russians attack Kherson and surroundings 20 times on Sunday, one person seriously injured

Russian forces hit centre of Kherson, hitting building of Kherson Oblast State Administration

Explosions ring out in Kherson

Russian soldiers hit apartment building in Kherson

Three people killed in Russian attacks in Kherson Oblast in one day