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Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Ukraine's Defence Forces have partial success south of Robotyne – General Staff report

Russian offensive on Avdiivka fails – ISW

Train blown up in Melitopol, cutting Russians off from petrol and ammunition supply

Russians trying to draw Ukrainian defenders away from Robotyne

Ukrainian military advance near Verbove, Klishchiivka and Andriivka – ISW

Ukrainian defenders repel Russian attacks on 6 fronts, 37 combat clashes occur – General Staff report

Russian troops mine previously cleared frontline areas in Zaporizhzhia Oblast – ISW

Death toll of Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia district with cluster munitions rises

Russians attack village near Zaporizhzhia with cluster shells, there are killed and wounded

Russians threaten to withhold medical help from Ukrainians without Russian passports

Russia boosts defensive fortifications on outskirts of Tokmak – UK Intelligence

Ukrainian Armed Forces advance near Andriivka, Robotyne and Verbove – ISW

Ukrainian military advances along Novoprokopivka and Bakhmut – ISW

IAEA urges "cold shutdown" at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant due to increasing accident risk

Russians in Tokmak began to panic: families and entire educational institutions are being evacuated

Russians likely down their Su-35 near Tokmak themselves – UK defence intelligence

Ukraine's Armed Forces succeed near Robotyne, Klishchiivka and Andriivka – General Staff

Ukrainian military regains positions near Robotyne – ISW

Situation south of Robotyne is unstable, complicated and dynamic – ISW report

Ukraine's Armed Forces advance in Zaporizhzhia Oblast and near Bakhmut, Russians on offensive on Avdiivka-Donetsk line – ISW

20 Russian vehicles and 3 ammunition depots destroyed on Tavriia front over 24 hours

Russians deploy equipment and troops in occupied part of Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Armed Forces gain ground near Verbove, Russians on defensive

Ukrainian Armed Forces repel Russian attacks near Hrihorivka, Klishchiivka and Andriivka − General Staff report

Ukraine's forces possibly make breakthrough on Robotyne-Verbove line – ISW

Russians construct fortified area north of Tokmak

Commander of Tavriia operations group to announce good news from Tavriia front

Russians plunder mineral resources in Donetsk Oblast, issuing licences for mining

Ethnic tensions among Russian military threaten their defences – ISW

Russians on Melitopol front use civilians as human shields – General Staff