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Russia attacks office of Fondation Suisse de Déminage in Kharkiv Oblast – photos

Japan and Cambodia to aid Ukraine with mine clearance efforts

Ukraine's Defence Ministry comments on progress in clearing Ukraine from mines

Sappers test mechanised demining vehicle in Kharkiv Oblast – photos

German Ambassador to Ukraine attends deminer training in Mykolaiv – photo

Demining Corps created in Ukraine

Germany sends new batch of military aid to Ukraine: ammunition, UAVs, demining equipment

International partners allocate over US$700 million for humanitarian mine clearance in Ukraine

Light mine clearance vehicle is tested in Ukraine – photo

Ukrainian developers test UAV sensor technology for demining purposes

Greece joins Ukraine demining coalition

Mechanised demining vehicles clear 47.3 hectares of land in Mykolaiv Oblast – photo

Mine clearance of Kherson Oblast's right bank will take two years

Naval mine found and destroyed on beach in Odesa – photo

270 people died from mines and other explosive devices since beginning of full-scale invasion

Bomb disposal experts destroy Russian 500-kilogramme bomb – video

Land mine hits civilians in Kharkiv Oblast: two killed, one injured

Hungary to join NATO coalition for mine clearance in Ukraine

US Ambassador: US is providing US$1 million worth of demining equipment to Ukraine

Ukraine receives remote-controlled demining system from EU – photo

Demining Black Sea: Türkiye, Bulgaria and Romania sign agreement

Nearly 25% of liberated parts of Kherson Oblast demined

Mine clearance in Black and Azov Seas will take five years after war is over – Ukraine's Navy

Nearly 300 people killed by mines since beginning of full-scale war

Mine clearance: over 200,000 hectares of agricultural land put back into use since beginning of the year

Bulgaria, Romania and Türkiye to sign agreement on mine clearance of Black Sea

South Korea sends 10 Croatian-made mine-clearance machines to Ukraine – photo

UK will supply two minehunters to Ukraine as part of maritime coalition

Lithuania presents updated concept of mine clearance coalition for Ukraine

Japan supplies mine clearance equipment for Ukraine's State Emergency Service