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Kherson Oblast

Russians drop explosives near Beryslav bus station, wounding 4 people

Russians bombarded Kherson Oblast all night long, killing and injuring civilians

Major General Andrii Sokolov was in charge of the defence of Ukraine's south. An interview covering Chonhar, Kherson and Melitopol

What was it that allowed the Russians to capture Ukraine's south, occupy Kherson and open up the way to Mariupol in a matter of days? Ukrainska Pravda found and interviewed one of the main eyewitnesses of those events.

Russians kill man in his own yard, another one dies from mine

Russians bombard medical facility in Kherson Oblast

Russians target apartment building and destroy secondary school in Kherson Oblast

State Duma MP resigns from office to "govern" in occupied Kherson Oblast

Occupying authorities deport 20 more children from occupied Kherson to Russia

Ukrainian military consolidating positions on Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast

Russian forces hit Nova Kakhovka, killing one and injuring 12

After sham elections in Kherson Oblast, Russians force locals to join "territorial defence"

Explosion in temporarily occupied Nova Kakhovka: Russian aerial bomb strike reported

Russians cannot strengthen Kherson front, but they are building defence

Mandatory evacuation of children introduced in 31 settlements of Kherson Oblast

Russian attack kills child in Kherson Oblast, injures teenage and neighbours who tried to help

Russians drop bombs in Kherson Oblast, injuring volunteer and local woman

Russians attack Kherson Oblast in morning, damaging secondary school and wounding people

Russians shoot at ambulatory clinic in Kherson Oblast, wounding paramedic and patient

Ukrainian defenders destroy six Russian boats near Kherson Oblast

Russians target Soniachne in Kherson Oblast, killing local resident

Russians attack Kherson Oblast 59 times over one day killing 3 people

Russian landmine injures three Ukrainian sappers in Kherson Oblast

Russians drop aerial bomb on Kherson Oblast, killing three and injuring four people

Car containing two FSB officers who tortured Ukrainians is blown up in Oleshky

Russians attack Kherson and oblast on Thursday morning: 1 killed, 2 injured

Russian forces fire 279 projectiles on Kherson Oblast: 3 injured

Locals in Kherson Oblast hide from sham elections

11-year-old boy wounded in Kherson Oblast, doctors fight to save his life

Russians attack Kherson and oblast: 1 killed and 4 injured

Russians launch guided bombs on Kherson Oblast killing and wounding people