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Water supply stopped in Donetsk due to power shortages in Russia

Russian morning attack on Toretsk kills elderly woman

Loud explosions rock Donetsk – video

Russians fortify Mariupol-Donetsk highway – video

Explosions in Donetsk, media report Russian air defence deployment – video

Losses of Ukrainian farmers in Donetsk Oblast exceed US$126 million since start of full-scale war

American fighting for Russians since 2014 dies in temporarily occupied Donetsk

Activists graffiti Ukrainian flag all over Russian-occupied Donetsk

Attack kills people in Donetsk market, Ukraine's Defence Forces deny involvement – photo

Zelenskyy: Cyborgs' feat proves Ukrainians cannot be broken – video

Special Operations Forces destroy Russian ammunition storage point and Grad MLRS near Donetsk

Russians report rocket attack on Donetsk city centre

Fuel tanks on fire in Russian-held Donetsk, occupiers report strikes

Defence Intelligence unit destroys Russian ammunition storage point in Donetsk

Occupiers say they put Azov Brigade mortar crew member behind bars for 22 years

Explosions ring out near local leader's "administration" in occupied Donetsk

6 Ukrainian pilots killed in the crash of 2 helicopters in Donetsk Oblast

Missile strikes Russian-headed "Internal Ministry" in Donetsk

12-year-old girl found dead in occupied Donetsk Oblast. Russian military suspected of murder

Ex-prisoner Izolyatsia prison tells how ex-intelligence officer helped him find in Kyiv Palych, main executioner of prison

Ukrainian Defence Forces kill 56 occupiers in Donetsk

Institute for Study of War predicts consequences of Russian troops regrouping in Bakhmut

Occupiers report loud explosions in Donetsk city centre

Water shortages are becoming growing problem in occupied Donetsk

Regiment of untrained mobilised Russians killed near Donetsk

6 ambulances transporting wounded invaders recently spotted in Donetsk

Russia launches missiles on centre of Kramatorsk again, hit clinic and apartment buildings

Russian soldiers and Wagner Group mercenaries suffer from dangerous infections — General Staff report

Serhiy Prytula shows Ukrainian SHARK drone fly over Donetsk

Ex-head of Roscosmos sends shrapnel taken from him and threats to French ambassador