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EU ambassadors did not approve 11th package of sanctions against Russia on Friday

Borrell to Putin: There will be no "Ukraine fatigue", it will not become "second Belarus"

Czech President reveals when talks about Ukraine joining EU and NATO can begin

Sweden to seek EU recognition of Wagner Group as terrorist organisation

EU foreign ministers to discuss support for Ukraine at meeting in Stockholm

There are legal grounds to use Russian assets to restore Ukraine

EU ambassadors start discussing new sanctions against Russia, talks may drag on – Reuters

Largest European Parliament political group endorses invitation for Ukraine to join NATO at summit in Vilnius

President of European Commission reveals what 11th package of sanctions against Russia contains

EU ready to supply Ukraine with a million artillery shells – Zelenskyy

Ukraine and EU announce joint platform for agricultural exports

Zelenskyy is counting on positive interim assessment of Ukraine's path to EU in June

EU to block ports for vessels transporting Russian oil evading sanctions – media

Moldova to join EU in limiting Ukrainian food imports

European Commission President and Ukrainian Prime Minister discuss Ukraine's reconstruction

EU experts call for Russia to be held accountable for ecocide

Ukraine's Foreign Minister explains how €1 billion EU funding for joint purchase of ammunition will impact Ukraine

EU finally approves allocation of €1 billion for ammunition for Ukraine

Nordic countries leaders' joint statement supports Ukraine's EU and NATO membership

EU ambassadors to discuss purchase of munitions for Ukraine again, with chance for agreement

EU will discuss plan to increase production of artillery shells to one million per year

EU Foreign Affairs Representative discusses Xi-Zelenskyy call with Ukraine's Foreign Minister

EU ambassador confirms: preliminary assessment of European integration reforms in Ukraine postponed

European Parliament Committee approves extension of duty-free regime for Ukraine for another year

EU ambassadors fail to agree on joint procurement of ammunition for Ukraine again

French minister explains what he meant by saying Ukraine will join EU "in 15–20 years"

Expert Group on Russian Sanctions suggests charging a fee "for Ukraine" when issuing visas to Russians

New round of negotiations between European Commission and 5 EU countries on agricultural imports from Ukraine ends in failure

EU and Japan oppose complete ban on exports to Russia

EU Foreign Affairs Representative comments on China and Brazil's peace proposals: Go talk about it in Kyiv