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Air strikes on Izyum in the Kharkiv region: civilians killed

Aggressors want to create a humanitarian disaster in Mariupol similar to the one in Volnovakha – Oblast State Administration

If the enemy thinks that Ukraine is only going to defend itself, he's mistaken – Danilov

Explosion near the railway station in Kyiv: one person injured, heat network damaged

6,000 invaders died in Ukraine, another 2,000 are wandering around – RNBO Secretary

Jews who survived the Holocaust curse Putin from Kyiv bomb shelter and demand peace

Kyivans who suffered during the Holocaust and lost their loved ones at Babyn Yar are now forced to hide from Russian bombs in the capital's basements in 2022. They called on Vladimir Putin to stop the bombing and leave Ukrainians alone.

Explosions heard in Kharkiv

Explosions were heard in Kharkiv a few minutes after air raid sirens were sounded in the city. According to Ukrainska Pravda’s sources, two missiles were likely launched at the city.

Reznikov has called on Ukrainians to burn the invader’s food supply columns and ammunition

Oleksiy Reznikov, Ukrainian Minister of Defence, called on Ukrainians to wage guerrilla warfare and burn the rear food supply columns and ammunition in those territories temporarily occupied by enemy troops.

Pencils, a measuring compass, books – what Russian soldiers bring into combat

The Security Service of Ukraine has published a video showing the military equipment of Russian soldiers sent to capture Kyiv.

In Kyiv, a rocket aimed at Ministry of Defence or Ground Forces Command shot down

Russian missile likely aimed at the offices of Ukraine’s Defence Ministry or Ground Forces Command in Kyiv shot down in Kyiv.

Over 200 people in Borodyanka rescued from basements covered by rubble

In Borodyanka in the Kyiv region, rescuers freed over 200 people who went into a shelter and found themselves under the rubble of buildings.

Russian occupiers asking locals to let them "take photos" next to Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant before they leave

The Russian occupiers who surrounded Enerhodar and the territory of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) are trying to persuade city authorities to allow them on the site of the nuclear power plant to take pictures, after which they promise to leave.

Ukrainian delegation departs for historic Belovezhskaya Pushcha for negotiations with Russia

The Ukrainian delegation has departed for the negotiations with Russia at Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Venediktova reports on detention of 10 Russian invaders

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Iryna Venediktova has reported that prosecutors have taken 10 Russian aggressors into custody.

Kherson Mayor comes to agreement with invaders on how to keep city alive

According to Kherson Mayor Igor Kolykhayev, during a visit from “armed visitors” to the city administration, an agreement was reached on how the city would function in the event of an occupation. However, the mayor denies that his counterpart in these talks were the Russian invaders.

Russia’s secret documents: war in Ukraine was to last 15 days

Ukraine has seized Russian military plans concerning the war against Ukraine from the 810th Brigade of the battalion tactical group of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet Marines. These documents were approved on 18 January.

Ukrainian military liberates Makarov in Kyiv region

Ukrainian armed forces have liberated the town of Makarov in the Kyiv region and gained a foothold there.

Ukrainian scientists ask international community not to fund Russian science

Ukrainian scientists have appealed to the international scientific community to block funding for Russian science.

Ukrainian Football Association: Russia will be removed from FIFA football video games

The Ukrainian Football Association (UAF) has stated that EA Sports will delete Russian from its series of FIFA video games due to the war in Ukraine.

Lavrov names new objective of ‘operation’ in Ukraine

Russia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, says that the objective of the so-called 'operation' in Ukraine is to identify specific types of offensive weapons and ensure that they will never be deployed in Ukraine.

Russian pseudomedia started spreading fake news about "new states" created in Ukraine as early as 27 February

Some websites run by the invaders began publishing news about the alleged surrender of Ukrainian regions and the formation of a pseudo “federal republic of Ukraine” on 27 February.

Ukrainian football player Yaroslav Rakitskyi leaves Russian Club “Zenit”

Former national team defender Yaroslav Rakitskyi has left Russia's “Zenit” football club a week after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Mayor of Kherson asks journalists to help establish a "green corridor"

Kherson Mayor Igor Kolykhayev asks journalists to help prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in the city.

Energodar residents form their city’s wall of defence

Residents of Energodar in the Zaporizhzhya region came out to stop the invaders from entering the city. They waved Ukrainian flags and were determined not to let the enemy into the city.

"Out with the Orcs": Melitopol protests against Russia's invasion, gunfire heard

Several thousand people flooded the streets of Melitopol in the Zaporizhia region to stop Russians from capturing the city.

Up to 15 years in prison: occupiers want those spreading alleged "fakes" regarding actions of the Russian army imprisoned

The State Duma of the Russian Federation has made amendments to the sentence of up to 15 years in prison for spreading alleged fake facts about the actions of the Russian armed forces.

Belarusians are blocking rail traffic to make it more difficult to move military cargo

Belarusians are blocking traffic on Belarusian railways to make it more difficult to transport military cargo.

Russian troops were given 3 days’ worth of food before attack on Ukraine: SBU publishes video with captured soldier

Russian troops were given three days’ worth of food before the attack on Ukraine and had their phones and documents taken away, Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) states, posting a video of a captured Russian soldier.

Near Crimea, Russia deploys forces mobilized from occupied Donbas

In the full-scale war against Ukraine in the Crimean area, Russia is using forces mobilized from the temporarily occupied territory of eastern Ukraine.

Russia prepares provocation at Ukraine-Belarus border

The Russian invaders are preparing provocation at the Belarus-Ukraine border from the territory of Ukraine.